Publisher’s Letter


In a marketing world obsessed with SEO and customer interactions, display advertising remains an important touch point, reinforcing advertisers brands in the minds of customers. Creating outstanding ads is a vital step toward those all-important conversions, as well as staying in the forefront of current customers minds.

To help our advertisers build the most effective tools possible, we engage independent firm Readex Research to conduct an Ad Perception Survey of LubesnGreases readers to learn what they find attention-getting, informative and believable.

Participating advertisers get the full report and can use the information to strengthen their engagement with our readers. This confidential, anonymous survey asked participants to consider our January print edition.

In the January 2020 issue, HollyFrontier scored highest for most attention-getting. Tying with ExxonMobil Basestocks for most believable, Excel Paralubes Pure Performance Base Oils also took top place for most informative. Congratulations to all of the creative teams involved in producing these ads!

The Readex survey also allows us to analyze how readers interact with our magazine each month. This time, we learned that:

95 percent of readers take some action as a result of what they read in our articles or columns, and three quarters of readers take action based on the ads they see in LubesnGreases!

83 percent of print readers and 65 percent of digital readers spend at least half an hour with a typical issue. The average reading time in print is nearly an hour.

More than half of readers said they share their copy with at least one other person, and a third share the digital edition.

Thank you to all of our readers who participated in this survey!

If you want to see how your ads measure up, be sure to secure a place in the next analyzed issue. Contact Megan Matchett at, Matt Rogers at or Dave Stanworth at

Howard Briskin

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