23-24. 16th ICIS World Base Oils and Lubricants Conference
Hilton London Metropole, London.
Contact: Merinda Bradshaw, ICIS, Quadrant House, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 5AS, U.K.
Phone: +44 (0) 20 8652 3887
E-mail: events.registration@icis.com
Web: www.icis.com
5-9. F+L Week: Asia-Pacific Base Oils, Lubricants and Grease Conference and Fuels and Lubes Asia Conference
Four Seasons Hotel, Macao, China.
Contact: Fuels and Lubes Asia Room 2611-12, C.C. Wu Building, 302-308 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 8191 7449
Fax: +852 3753.5122
E-mail: conference@fuelsandlubes.com
Web: www.fuelsandlubes.com/conference
11-13. National Petrochemical and Refiners Association Annual Meeting
Manchester Grand Hotel, San Diego, Calif., U.S. Contact: NPRA, 1667 K St. NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20006 U.S.
Phone:+1 202 457 0480
Web: www.npra.org
20-21. UNITI Mineral Oil Technology Congress
Maritim Hotel, Stuttgart, Germany.
Contact: Carmen Fogel, UNITI-Mineraloiltechnologie GmbH, Jagerstrasse 6, 10117, Berlin, Germany.
Phone:+49 (0) 30 755 414 400
E-mail: fogel@uniti.de
Web: www.umtf.de
28-30. WRA Base Oils and Lubricants in Russia and the CIS 5th Annual Meeting
Hotel Hilton, Moscow.
Contact: Jivko Gadjourov, World Refining Association/Energy Exchange, 5th Flr., 86 Hatton Garden, London ECIN 8QQ, U.K.
Phone:+44 (0) 207 067 1800
E-mail: marketing@theenergyexchange.co.uk
Web: www.wraconferences.com/baseoils
28-May 1. ELGI Annual General Meeting
Marriott Hotel – Munich, Munich, Germany.
Contact: European Lubricating Grease Institute Hemonylaan 26 1074 BJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 6716162
Fax: +31 20 6732760
Email: carol@elgi.demon.nl
Web: www.elgi.org
6-10. STLE Annual Meeting and Exhibition
Renaissance Grand & Americas Center, St. Louis, Illinois, U.S.
Contact: Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
840 Busse Highway Park Ridge, IL 60068-2302 USA
Phone: +1 847 825 5536
Fax: +1 847 825 1456
Email to: Information@stle.org
Web: www.stle.org
9-10. Base Oil and Lubes Middle East Conference, co-organized by Petrosil and Conference Connection
Ritz-Carlton, Bahrain.
Contact: Abby Seah or Alycia Wee
Conference Connection
135 Middle Road #05-01, Bylands Building Singapore 188975
Phone: +65 6338 0064
Fax: +65 6338 4090
Email: info@cconnection.org
Website: www.cconnection.org
6-8. Lubmat 12 Conference on Lubrication, Maintenance and Tribotechnology
Euskalduna Conference Center, Bilbao, Spain.
Contact: Lankor, administrative secretariat
Phone: +34 94 342 8111
E-mail: info@lubmat.org
Website: www.lubmat.org
12-15. 15th Nordic Symposium on Tribology
Rica Nidelven Hotel, Tronheim, Norway.
Conference Secretariat
Hgskoleveien 12
7491 Trondheim, Norway
Phone: +47 73 59 52 54
Fax: +47 73 59 51 50
E-mail: nordtrib2012@videre.ntnu.no