Japan’s consumption of finished lubricants increased 7%, while production and exports of lubes fell 13% and 27%, respectively, in July, according to data reported by a government agency last week.
Domestic lubricant consumption climbed to 147,989 kiloliters (133,000 metric tons), compared to 137,687 kL in the same month last year, the Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry reported on Aug. 31. July’s volume was the third-highest this year, behind 176,282 kL in March and 153,800 in June.
The country’s production of lubes declined to 206,158 kL in July, compared to 238,730 kL in the same month of 2022. It marked the fifth consecutive month that production topped the 200,000 kL mark.
The country exported 54,321 kL of lubes in July, down from 74,231 kL a year earlier. Imports of finished lubricants fell 21% to 6,048 kL in July, the lowest volume for a month this year.
The agency began tracking grease data in metric tons in April 2022. In July of this year, grease consumption increased 3% to 4,149 tons, while grease production declined 6% to 4,607 tons.
Grease imports increased 5% to 194 tons, and grease exports jumped 145% to 93 tons.