Steve Haffner

Recent Articles

PC-12 Changes Are Coming

PC-12 Changes Are Coming

PC-12 is in the works. How may the new category differ from its predecessor?

How Excellence Shrinks the Industry

How Excellence Shrinks the Industry

Steve Haffner explains how advances in lubricant technology are decreasing demand for engine oils.

ILSAC GF-7: A Meaningful Upgrade

ILSAC GF-7: A Meaningful Upgrade

Steve Haffner discusses the benefits of ILSAC GF-7 as well as some of the concerns stakeholders had that have now been r …

ILSAC GF-7: Welcome or Not?

ILSAC GF-7: Welcome or Not?

Steve Haffner explores how stakeholder alignment for ILSAC GF-7 has differed from that of past categories.

The Evolution of Heavy-Duty Lubricant Viscosity

The Evolution of Heavy-Duty Lubricant Viscosity

Heavy-duty engine oils have been slow to migrate to lower viscosity grades. Steve Haffner explains why.

Is PCMO Viscosity Bottoming Out?

Is PCMO Viscosity Bottoming Out?

Passenger car motor oil has been trending toward lower viscosity, but how low is too low?

Is ILSAC GF-7 Coming Sooner Rather than Later?

Is ILSAC GF-7 Coming Sooner Rather than Later?

When will ILSAC GF-7 make its debut, and what updates might it include? Steve Haffner weighs in.

Sustaining Engine Oil Approval Systems

Sustaining Engine Oil Approval Systems

With electric cars becoming the focus for most vehicle manufacturers, can the lubricants industry continue to sustain th …

Accounting for Sustainability

Accounting for Sustainability

The American Petroleum Institute’s newly formed sustainability task force is working to create a recommended practice …

Spec Development Slogs On Through Pandemic

Spec Development Slogs On Through Pandemic

People from many organizations must come together to advance lubricant specifications, ensuring that engines old and ne …

Why Are Engine Tests So Difficult to Develop?

Why Are Engine Tests So Difficult to Develop?

It’s not just because stakeholders want better performance from engine oils in more demanding conditions—external fa …

A New LSPI Test for Aged Oil

A New LSPI Test for Aged Oil

ILSAC GF-6 makes its debut this month, but trouble is already brewing around LPSI prevention as engine oils age. A new t …

LSPI Concerns Center on Age of Oil

LSPI Concerns Center on Age of Oil

ILSAC GF-6 is on its home stretch to commercial introduction on May 1, but automakers and the lubricant industry are que …

Worries Raised Over Heavy-duty Engine Tests

Worries Raised Over Heavy-duty Engine Tests

The next heavy-duty engine oil category in North America is not expected for seven years, and industry insiders worry th …

GM Releases Dexos1 Gen 3 Details

GM Releases Dexos1 Gen 3 Details

After previously saying it would release Dexos1 Gen 3 in January and begin commercial licensing during the second quarte …

The Rise of SAE 0W Lubricants

The Rise of SAE 0W Lubricants

Engine oil viscosities for light-duty vehicles have become ever lower over the past few decades. Developments have been …

The Keys to Manufacturing Success

The Keys to Manufacturing Success

Running a prosperous lubes business in todays marketplace is no easy task. Several manufacturers give advice and share t …

On the Heavy-duty Horizon

On the Heavy-duty Horizon

With stricter emissions regulations looming, the industry is already catching a glimpse of PC-12.